Sleep and Slim Bio Hacking is here.
You can have “Better Sleep” and a side of “Slim Down While Sleeping” with zlēm®, pronounced [zleem]:
You can have better sleep and have slimming effects with this sleep SNAP. It just so happens that it is also our bestselling SNAP. #1. Take this product 30 minutes before bedtime for some much needed rest. As always, the weight loss will vary, and it doesn’t happen overnight but give it time and you will be amazed.
Everyone can lose weight with the Power of our Bio Hacking product. Try this:
You can lose weight by adding the “Slimming Benefit” of zlēm® with the Thermo plôs® thermo, [pronounced plus]: lets look:
This bio hacking snap called plos thermo can be squeezed into hot or cold drinks. And enjoy.
Better Sleep with zlēm®Energy,
Appetite Suppressant with plôs®Thermo
Try them together to add more effectiveness. We have other bio hacking products on our Bio-Hacking info page.